Four Brunettes and a Redhead

Four Brunettes and a Redhead

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Writing It Down

In an effort to remember the many joys of raising three children, I am starting this blog. Well, that and the fact that everyone always tells me I better be "writing this stuff down" so I can write my book one day. So here goes.... I have a wonderful family of five. Myself, my husband or redneck man as he would choose to be called, my son, and my two daughters - the diva queen and little red. I decided to quit my job in public education to be a stay at home mom when my oldest child was born. My job now is much harder than the job that I quit but I wouldn't trade it for anything. This blog is my attempt at recording my family's journey and sharing it with my friends and family. Everyday is an adventure in my house and I would love for others to get to come along for the ride. I will do my best to post as often as I can but with the life that I lead, who knows when that might actually be. However, I'll do the best that I can to make sure that I am in fact - writing it down!