Four Brunettes and a Redhead

Four Brunettes and a Redhead

Monday, December 6, 2010

Trying this again

Ok, I am only about 8 months behind on this stuff, not too bad right?

We had our first snowfall of this season this weekend, ironically on the day we were coming home from our trip to Williamsburg. Made it interesting that is for sure! It is funny because on the first Saturday in December of 2009, we brought Kaycie home from the hospital in what was the first snowfall of the season. We will see if the weather this year is similar to last!! We celebrated Kaycie's first birthday with a trip to see Santa at the Yankee Candle store. She was not happy, in fact she pretty much hated it. In one picture it looks like she is just pleading with me to take her off of his lap!

The big kids did enjoy Santa of course and are excited to start the Christmas season! I am supposed to be cleaning my house and decorating today for our first birthday party on Saturday. Can't believe Kaycie has turned one already! Where does the time go? She is walking, climbing on everything, and can say mama, dada, bubba, and scootahhhhh. She is our little spitfire with a temper to match her hair! Can't imagine my life without her though even though we were sure she was going to be a boy. Love that girl and hope she has a great birthday party. Maybe I'll blog about it in about 8 months.....

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life's a Gas (at least in my family anyway....)

What is it about passing gas that is SSSSOOOO funny to my children? Ok, well, it is kind of funny I suppose but good grief, I feel like we could manufacture our own natural resource or something!
Last week, I was at home with little man and he was sitting at the kitchen counter playing with play dough. He was also EXTREMELY gassy and coincidentally sitting on a wooden bar stool which made the problem seem even louder than normal. At first he thought it was just hilarious but eventually had done it enough times that it did not even phase him until finally one was SO LOUD that he looked at me, and very calmly said, "Whew Mama, that one almost blew me out into outer space!" and then went right back to his play dough. The week before that the diva queen and I were sitting at the kitchen table and she was, you guessed it, passing gas. She is one who feels like maybe you didn't hear her do it so she thinks she should announce it to you and yes, she announces it EVERY time she does it, be it at home, in Walmart, at church, she doesn't care. Anyway, she had just finished her latest round when she started to recount how someone else had "pooted" and it went something like this: Her - "Deeeeeeaaahhh pooooottteeedd", Me - "Dad pooted?", Her - "Deeeeeeaaahhh pooooottteeedd", Me - "They pooted?", Her - "Deeeeeeaaahhh pooooottteeedd", Me - "Who pooted?" I knew I wasn't getting it right because she kept repeating it. This is my clue to keep guessing. Next she started inserting mouth sounds to let me know what it sounded like in an effort to help me figure it out. Now the conversation was going like this, Her - "Deeeeeeaaahhh pooooottteeedd, thththththtppppplllllllttttttt", Me - "Dad pooted?", Her - "Deeeeeeaaahhh pooooottteeedd, thththththtppppplllllllttttttt", Me - "Door pooted?" , etc. etc. Finally after about twenty rounds of this I figured out what she was talking about. Apparently she had been watching the outdoor channel with her daddy and they had played a video of a real deer that actually passed gas on camera. The only reason I even eventually figured it out is because I guarantee the redneck man and our two oldest children replayed that video at least 50 times and I did happen to be in the room on a few of those. So translation: Her - "Deer pooted, like this, thththththtpppplllllllttttttt."
I guess I should just be thankful that life seems to provide such easy entertainment for my family! They keep me laughing, that's for sure! Can't wait to see what blows in next week!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Writing It Down

In an effort to remember the many joys of raising three children, I am starting this blog. Well, that and the fact that everyone always tells me I better be "writing this stuff down" so I can write my book one day. So here goes.... I have a wonderful family of five. Myself, my husband or redneck man as he would choose to be called, my son, and my two daughters - the diva queen and little red. I decided to quit my job in public education to be a stay at home mom when my oldest child was born. My job now is much harder than the job that I quit but I wouldn't trade it for anything. This blog is my attempt at recording my family's journey and sharing it with my friends and family. Everyday is an adventure in my house and I would love for others to get to come along for the ride. I will do my best to post as often as I can but with the life that I lead, who knows when that might actually be. However, I'll do the best that I can to make sure that I am in fact - writing it down!